Monday, March 30, 2020

What to Look For When Looking For a San Diego Math and Chemistry Tutor

What to Look For When Looking For a San Diego Math and Chemistry TutorIf you're looking for a San Diego math and chemistry tutor, here are some tips to help you choose the right one. There are many things that you should consider when hiring a tutor, including how long the tutor will be there, what their rates are, and what type of person they are. Before you start looking for someone to tutor your child, you need to have some information about tutors, so you know who to hire.A good customer service attitude is important. If the tutor has a rude or unprofessional attitude, it will probably make it more difficult for you to get a good job done. Any teacher can say all they want that they want the best for their students, but if they're not really interested in what the student needs, then they're probably not going to put the effort into finding a teacher for your child. Some tutors actually put more effort into finding the wrong teacher for the student than they do to find the right teacher.You should look for a math tutor that has a good reputation for being helpful and reasonable. Don't be afraid to ask questions about your plan, the time your child will spend with them, and other important factors. If you're not sure what you're looking for, the tutor should be able to answer your questions. Your child may be having a hard time learning, but a bad experience can cause other problems.The tutor you find should have an easy-to-use site that makes it easy for parents to find the math tutor they need. You should also be able to find your children's schedules on the site, so you can check on them in advance. They should be able to offer online scheduling, so you can pick up your child in advance and schedule him or her. Tutors who have a dedicated time for reviewing their plans will make it easier for parents to make the best decisions for their child.If you decide to use a tutor that has a lot of money, there are a few things you should look for. The tutor should be a well-known, well-respected professional. They should also have some kind of resume that demonstrates their qualifications and experience. The rates should be competitive, so you can decide whether or not you want to spend the money.When you look for a tutor, you should also consider the type of person you're dealing with. Make sure the tutor is friendly and polite, and that they have a professional demeanor. When you meet the tutor, it should go smoothly, as they should be pleasant and attentive to your child.Don't assume that a good tutor is necessarily expensive. You should consider the factors above before you hire a tutor. You'll know you've found the right one when you can call them and get a reasonable price. It can also be helpful to compare costs with other tutors you find online, and you should definitely take your time and do some research before you hire a tutor.Your child should be able to use math and chemistry easily when they are young. It is important to use th e resources available to teach math and chemistry to your child as early as possible. A good math and chemistry tutor will be there when your child needs them, and your child will appreciate it when he or she can use his or her new abilities so easily.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Visual and Auditory Learners - Tutor Hunt Blog

Visual and Auditory Learners Visual and auditory learners - have these categories been debunked? Visual and auditory learners - have these categories been debunked?SchoolsPeople are commonly classified as being either visual or auditory learners. If you are a visual learner you will understand information with greater ease through the medium of pictures, including graphs, charts, maps and diagrams. If you are an auditory learner your learning will be facilitated through the spoken word. The prevalent opinion in the education sector is that 40% of us are visual learners - this goes for both adults and children, and that 30% of people are auditory learners, with the remaining 30% being kinaesthetic learners. Kinaesthetic learners are thought to gain understanding through physical activities, or manipulating models. The belief that children fall into different learning categories has been around for many decades, but it wasn`t until the early 1990`s, when the New Zealander cognitive scientist Neil Fleming proposed the VAK/VARK model, that the different learning groups were properly codified. The actual science behind these different categories of learning has however been recently challenged. Scientists from the universities of California and St. Louis have recently published a paper in the Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, that says there is little actual robust evidence to suggest matching the mode of teaching to people`s preferred style helps them to learn any better. The study points out that more than three decades of academic literature, along with hundreds of studies, have yielded no evidence to suggest matching the method of teaching to a child`s mode of learning facilitates their understanding. The study suggests that the learning categories themselves have simply come out of earlier theories, some going back to Carl Jung`s work of the 1960`s. It is not uncommon for theories to come about this way, growing out of earlier studies; but whereas in the empirical sciences, especially mathematics and physics, this can lead to great discoveries, in the social sciences it can give credence dubious conjectures - neuromyth`s like we only use 10% of our brains. The study, entitled Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence, casts doubt over the idea that different learning styles even exist, proposing that humans have a tendency to categorise and simplify, a natural urge to put people into groups. `It seems that the idea of finding out ``what type of person one is`` has some eternal and deep appeal.` `It is also natural and appealing to think that all people have the potential to learn effectively andeasily if only instruction is tailored to their individual learning styles.` Learning itself is a mysterious process - how does the brain store information, and are we fundamentally changed as a person when we learning something new? Despite an abundance of clinical data, the human brain refuses to give up most of its secrets. It seems to be made up of nothing but interconnecting nerves, and totally lacks any kind of mechanised microstructures. The kidney has the bowman capsule, a device that encourages filtration; the heart has valves, that ensure the force of its contractions pump blood in the right direction. The brain seems to lack any kind of demarcated structures. There are nerves, and there are areas where these nerves interconnect with other nerves. These connections, called synapses, can alter - they can change their `degree` of connectivity, encouraging or inhibiting the flow of charge. This malleability, this manner of making new connections, must be in some way linked to learning. Different parts of the brain appear to have localised functions, se em to be specialised towards certain roles. There is a small part of the left cerebral hemisphere called the Broca`s area, which appears to associated with language. Patients with injuries to this area may lose the ability to speak, or understand the written word. There are visual and auditory cortexes, sectors of the brain that seem to process sensory data from the eyes and ears. Of course we all have differing levels of ability - one person may have an ability for music, while another may be gifted at drawing. This truism does not however mean that there are associated learning categories - that a person who is musically gifted will learn best via the spoken word, or that a child who enjoys painting will learn best through diagrams, and other visual representations. 21 months ago0Add a Comment

10 On-the-Go Snacks for the Busy College Student

10 On-the-Go Snacks for the Busy College Student via P3 Protein Packs   Packed with 11-15 grams of protein in each pack, you can choose between a variety of snacks. You can find nuts, cheese, dried fruit, deli meat, and sometimes bacon neatly separated in these on-the-go snacks. They’re also low-cost at only about $1.50 each! via Pixabay   Fresh Fruit Fruit is always a great snack to bring with you. Something that isn’t too messy and is portable is best, such as an apple, grapes, clementines, berries, and bananas. Not only are these healthy, but if you have a sweet tooth you need to satisfy, this will do the trick! via Presto Fresh Sabra To Go: Hummus These snack packs come with pretzel crisps to dip into a variety of flavors of hummus. Though they are a little high in calories and salt, this will keep you full and is a great snack when you’re on the go! via Pexels   Nuts Nuts are the perfect portable snack to bring with you during a busy day! With so many options, you’ll have a different nut for each day of the week, especially with flavored versions of almonds and such. They can be on the pricey side, but they are a great source of natural fat and protein. via Pixabay Fresh Vegetables Vegetables are a little harder to carry around with you if you’re on the go. Carrots and broccoli florets are the easiest to grab and go, but if you have some time to cut up some bell peppers or celery then go for it! Cherry tomatoes and sugar snap peas are also great! via Jack Links Beef Jerky Make sure you have a water bottle nearby if you choose this protein filled snack. Beef jerky can be a little expensive, but it is sure to fill you up! This also comes in different flavors, so if you like it hot and spicy or mild, there’s a jerky for everyone. By Superbass (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons   Granola Bars Granola is delicious and comes in so many flavors; you can’t get bored with it! Granola bars are great to put in your backpack to pull out in the middle of class. It isn’t disruptive and will hold you over until lunch or dinner. Be careful which kind you pick up, though, as sometimes they can be packed with sugar instead of protein or fiber. By Mr. Granger (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons Protein Bars Similar to granola bars, these are a great and easy snack to carry around with you. Unlike fruits and vegetables, you don’t have to worry about forgetting it in your bag at the end of the day and finding moldy food a day or two later. These are also packed with protein and sometimes enough nutrients to count as a full meal! via Pixabay Trail Mix Trail mix is a great snack to bring along with you to class or the library. Packed with nuts, seeds, and of course MM’s, it’s a definite classic. This can also get a little pricey, so we’ve found some recipes to make your own trail mix at home!  Make it with your roommates in bulk to save some money too. via Puppy Chow   For those days where you need a chocolate pick-me-up, Puppy Chow is the best thing to bring with you to class. Chex Mix, peanut butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar is the perfect snack to make your day better. Be careful, though, it can get a little messy! Even though college can be filled with activities, social events, and classes it’s still important to eat throughout the day. These healthy snacks are portable, budget-friendly, and delicious!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Is a Radical in Chemistry?

What Is a Radical in Chemistry?When I first learned about radicals, I was amazed that someone would be talking about them. I thought that they were the guys who just threw things at people when they pissed them off or stood around talking while cars went by on the freeway. But then I learned that radicals were actually used in science for their positive effects on the body and not just for messing with people. You can use them to reverse hair loss, improve skin tone, stop premature aging, improve cardiac health, treat skin cancer, treat cell damage, treat neurological disorders, help prevent wrinkles, and even help in certain types of strokes.In order to understand how to utilize radicals, you have to understand what it is. A radical is simply a molecule or group of molecules that are broken down into smaller molecules or ions by another molecule. That is the definition in plain English. If two different molecules (or even a single molecule) want to break down into smaller molecules, they will do so through the action of a radical.For example, light therapy uses light to stimulate the collagen and elastin in the skin to grow back faster. The light causes this growth and then the process is reversed with a laser. Both of these treatments, using light to stimulate the growth of cells and the use of a laser to reverse that growth, both use radicals to do their job. These are not just any old molecules though, as there is a process involved.What makes radicals such an important part of modern day medicine is that they are so effective. They are usually antioxidants or scavengers that work inside the body and are broken down to smaller molecules by the liver and kidneys. They are the ideal 'work horse' of the body. They can flush out the toxins that our bodies store in our tissues, our muscles, and in our organs. They also clean up cells break down proteins and produce some antioxidants.When a person has a disease that is causing abnormal deposits in the body, he or she will benefit from having a high intake of antioxidants in their diet. However, our body may not be able to produce enough antioxidants to achieve this, and this is where radicals come in. The theory behind using a strong antioxidant in your diet to help keep cells healthy is that it will stimulate more production of antioxidants and when the body has more of these molecules, it will be able to release them from the cells more quickly.If you take too much, the body may over stimulate and make you very sick, but if you take the correct doses, you will actually get better from the higher dose of antioxidants. It's like a cycle, but it goes on forever. When the antioxidant levels go down in the body, the radical levels increase and then your cells are able to function again and fight off more pathogens and other diseases.Radicals are becoming more important to the people of today. It seems that there is no end to what they can do to make our bodies healthier. If you are interested in knowing more about the ways that radicals can benefit your health, you should take a look at the latest book that I am talking about and make sure that you are checking out the book before you purchase it.

How to Find a Georgetown Chemistry Tutor

How to Find a Georgetown Chemistry TutorLooking for a Georgetown Chemistry Tutor? You don't have to search around any further than the Georgetown University. It's here that they guarantee that you will not only get the best service from these tutors, but that you will also have an education with your homework. All the facts regarding your tutoring should be brought to you by your tutors.Chemistry is one of the oldest and most useful sciences available today. In fact, it's become the basis of almost all studies. You can use your chemistry tutors to show you the scientific and physical principles involved in this field. These principles are not difficult to understand, just take time to get acquainted with them. Your classmates and professors will probably point you in the right direction.The Chem Lab is where the students can obtain an excellent foundation to do chemical experiments. The students are given the choice to learn their own laboratory activities. Usually, the laboratories will be equipped with essential chemicals. They can be obtained by filling in forms.In addition to this, the chemistry tutors will offer you the chance to learn about the equipment needed for your laboratory work. You will be taught about the reagents and how to handle them properly. The materials needed for your work are also taught. This will enable you to do your own experiments.Students who wish to take up this field of study must have a good understanding of the chemistry principles. You'll be able to use this to your advantage in terms of chemistry project. In this way, you will be able to communicate your understanding and put it into practice. The best way to learn chemistry is to make one or two mistakes and learn from your mistakes.Finding the perfect education isnot easy; you need to carefully consider all your options. The Georgetown Chemistry Tutors is actually the professionals who can offer you a top-quality education. It is possible that the tutors are also affiliate d with Georgetown University itself.It's therefore wise to make a few comparisons before choosing a chemistry tutor. The internet is one of the best resources for finding such professionals; you can also go online and check out different tutors in one sitting.

Virtuael Larning The Latest Trend of Global Education

Virtuael Larning The Latest Trend of Global Education 0SHARESShare Basic features of online tutoring: Online tutoring is one of the best ways to access the different areas of study, from any part of the world, as per your sweet will. It is a process of tutoring online. Teachers from various parts of the globe offer tuition in the websites. Unlike the college and university campus, it is a virtual realm of study in which teachers and learners, separated by time and space, can join easily. Online tutoring is practiced throughout the world using many different approaches and is addressed to clearly distinct sets of users. The distinctions are based on online content they provide, as well as in the level of tutoring and training methodologies. The Global Phenomena of online tuition: In this typically virtual plane of learning, both teachers and the students have to rely upon verbal communications. There is hardly any room for personal exchange of views, correcting individual mistakes and make the student clear of any given point, which lies in his or her own way. However, in reality, they do not hamper the quality of learning in an online tutorial, because over time teachers can acclimatize themselves with the limitations and benefits of online teaching. They can also impart some innovative points to their teaching, such as drawing the basic idea on the board, or sharing online calculator. In such ways, the process of learning can become more attractive to the learners. Online Math Tutors: Math is one of the few subjects in which students can be benefited enormously by the online tutors. Online Math tutors follow some basic ways to teach their students of different cultures, mentalities and background. They classify the wide range of students according to their class, and give proper stress on typically their syllabus as follows: [starbox id=admin]

Probability Equations

Probability Equations Probability is defined as the chances for an event to occur. For a given situation or conditions there is always a chances for an event to likely or unlikely occur. The probability of an event is mostly in-between 0 to 1. The chances or probability for all the possible events to occur for a given condition add up to a 1. Therefore probability of an event is calculated by the following formulas: P (E) = Number of outcomes favorable for the event/Total number of outcomes. P (not E) = 1 P (E). Therefore P (E) + P (not E) = 1. Example 1: A dice is thrown what is the probability of getting the number 7? Solution: On throwing a dice the total number of possibilities are 6 either of the following numbers may show up i.e. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6}. Therefore total number of possible outcomes on throwing a dice = 6. The number of outcomes favorable of getting the number 7 = 0. P (7) = Number of outcomes favorable for number 7/Total number of outcomes. = 0/6. Therefore probability of getting number 7 is P (7) = 0. Example 2: A dice is thrown what is the probability of not getting the number 5? Solution: Total number of possible outcomes on throwing a dice = 6. The probability of getting number 5 is P (5) = 1/6. Using the formula P (not E) = 1 P (E). P (not 5) = 1 1/6 = 5/6. Therefore probability of not getting number 5 is 5/6.